Saturday 17 November, 2007

Teacher Joke

A young substitute teacher asks her class,
“If three birds are sitting on a telephone wire and a farmer shoots one.
How many are left?”
“Please, Miss,” says little Johnny, “None.”
“How do you work that out, Johnny?” asks the teacher.
“Well miss, the noise of the gun would scare the other two away!”
“No,” says the teacher, “the answer is two. But I like the way you think.”
During the lunch break little Johnny asks the teacher,
“Three women are sitting on a park bench, one eating an apple, one drinking a can of Coke, and one sucking a lollipop. Which one isn’t married?”
The teach shrugs and says, “The one sucking the lollipop?”
“No,” says Johnny, “The one without a wedding ring. But I like the way you think!”

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